Car Rentals - North Evia

Rent a Car in North Evia. Choose from the Car fleet the Car that meets your needs. We have a modern fleet with most of our vehicles being new.
Additional Services: Extra Driver, Road Assistance, Baby Seat, GPS

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Cancel/Change reservation

In case you want to cancel a reservation, you want to change it, or you want to inform us about something regarding it you can submit a request below. Type the reservation code, the e-mail address you used in reservation and, optionally, a comment. You cannot cancel a reservation if the pick-up date is sooner than 2 days.
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We provide you

Convenient prices

We offer you the most advantageous prices on the market as well as the wider area with no hidden charges.

Excellent service

Our priority ... always you!
We have 2 outlets for your best and fastest service.

Secure vehicles

All our vehicles are checked at regular intervals and have mixed security to make you feel safe.

Car Rentals – Scooter – Boats in Northern Evia.
Choose from our fleet the vehicle that meets your needs. We have a modern fleet with most of our vehicles being new.

ΜΗΤΕ 1351Ε82000024401
ΜΗΤΕ 1351Ε81000024301


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